

Microchip Myths

According to the American Humane Society, more than 10 million pets are lost per year in the United States. It is a pet parent’s worst nightmare! Millions of these pets [...]

March Madness–Basketball or Kittens?

The days are longer, the air is warmer, and the cats are out to play! While many people are at home watching their brackets crumble, there is another madness brewing. [...]

Rockin’ At HSCC!

We are rocking OUT at HSCC… well… actually our Rock is outside, ready for you to “adopt” for a week! But first… have some respect for THE ROCK! The HSCC [...]

Erin Hooks, Director of Development at HSCC

So who’s writing this blog? Well, starting out, Erin Hooks, Director of Development at HSCC is taking a shot at this. We’ll have different bloggers occasionally, but she’ll be writing [...]

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